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$4.95$3.95 Salein Stock. Eligible for free shipping on part and accessory orders totaling $75 or more. -
$159.95in Stock. Eligible for free shipping on part and accessory orders totaling $75 or more.
$24.95in Stock. Eligible for free shipping on part and accessory orders totaling $75 or more.
$14.95in Stock. Eligible for free shipping on part and accessory orders totaling $75 or more.
We're glad you stopped by. We are a small family owned and operated business. We specialize in handpicked military surplus firearms, accessories and guns parts. So take a look around maybe you find something you can't live without. You'll want to visit often as we are constantly adding new products. We also list items for sale periodically on eBay under the seller name FamilyFirearms and on GunBroker under Family Firearms and Finishes.
For our local customers we can special order any firearm for 10% over cost or $35, which ever is greater. We also provide dealer transfer services. We can receive firearms for you from anywhere in the US including auction sites for $35 for the first gun and $5 each additional gun that is picked up at the same time. For more info visit the contact us page and send us a request.
Most orders ship within 2 business days. If you are local, you can setup an appointment to pick up your order and save on shipping.
Please keep in mind that we only ship to the United States. We will not accept any orders that are placed from or shipped outside the US.